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Murtaza Khan

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Abu Hasnayn Murtaza Khan graduated from the International Islamic University, Islamabad in June 2001 with BA Honours in Usool-ud-Din and has been actively involved in the field of da'wah for many years.

At present he is an Islamic Studies teacher in al-Noor Primary School , London . He is also a visiting khateeb at Al-Ansar Islamic Education Centre, Islamic Da'wah Centre and University of East London.

He has worked closely with numerous organisations and individuals to promote Islam and has translated and presented various seminars and lectures. He is involved in da'wah across the UK and travels extensively to promote and revive the pure and monotheistic religion of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

The Reality of Black Magic & Jinns

The world of magic and the jinn are very mysterious; they belong to a realm beyond our perception and, as such, it is not strange to find people from ancient times to the present day looking at them with fear and awe. People often succumb to baseless superstitions which divert them from proper perception and constructive action. Even in our modern age, there are people who believe in bad omens, or believe that ghosts chase them intending to harm them or that any misfortunate encounter with them must be the result of black magic.

The Reality Of Death

We are living in a time when it is clearly evident that the majority of mankind are suffering from Wahn. What is Wahn? It is the love of this world and a hatred for death, just as the Prophet explained. Abu Hasnayn presents a powerful lecture on this topic which most people refuse to talk about, although it is one of life's greatest certainties. He explains the death of a believer and that of a disbeliever. The students he addresses are reminded that every soul shall taste death!

Ain't No Ghetto In Paradise

In this lecture the speaker addresses some of the common problems that are prevalent in our communities such as drugs, guns and Rap music. One must always remember that being a practicing Muslim is not restricted to praying, fasting and going for Hajj. Rather, Islam is a complete way of life and has injunctions with regards to business, trade, marriage, divorce, inheritance and so on. Hence, one cannot be termed a practicing Muslim if one’s earnings are through unlawful means

How NOT to love the Prophet

It occurred before! Shaykh Ibn Baaz [rh] was challenged publically by the leader of the takfeeri-esque Ibaadis and kept refusing because he said "the erronous and deviated views of this man had already been clearly exposed" and also said "your fallacies are known to the people" - had he debated him this would of created publicity for the person of innovation even if he was utterly defeated.

The Sound of The Trumpet: The Real Terror Starts

The Sound of The Trumpet: The Real Terror Starts by Ustadh Murtaza Khan. The Day of Judgement (AL Qiyamah), a day where the complete destruction of Earth and the Universe will take place. A day of destruction and terror that has never been witnessed by any eye before. This event will mark the final day of life on Earth, it will also be the start of a new eternal life in the Hereafter.

A Menace II Society

A series of lectures highlighting the problems facing modern society today. Particular focusing upon the rising in gang/drug culture, sexual promiscuity and negative influences from the music industry. Including a critical look at the "Gangsta Rap" industry itself. The speaker will identify and evidence the problems and offer solutions based upon the teachings of Islam and advice from the Last Messenger to Mankind: Muhammad

Shaytaan - Description - Deceptions - Destruction

Who is this Shaytan that we are warned of being an open enemy to us? Murtaza Khan explains and provides descriptions about this devil who is made from smokeless fire from amongst the Jinn-kind. Shaytans’ pride and arrogance in obeying Allaah made him the rejected bound for the depths of Hell. Certainly, the Shaytan at all times is plotting and planning for our destruction. He has promised in a place where none other would promise to lead man astray and take mankind with him to the Hell-fire. He will flow through our veins like blood flows, and will whisper thoughts and ideas to take you away from achieving good, to committing the failure of evil deeds. The Shaytan is cunning; his whispers may even appear in a form disguised as good intentions, only to be destined for an evil end.


One of the most dangerous actions that is now taken very lighlty is that of free mixing between the genders, something that has always been known to be Haram by necessity. And yet, in this day and age, with the increase in promiscuity and Fitnah, far from removing ourselves from such things, many Muslims have begun to indulge themselves in such evil actions. This lecture should serve as a reminder to us all about the evil effects and consequences of free mixing and why as Muslims we should abastain from it.

Death and the Grave

We are living in a time when it is clearly evident that the majority of mankind are suffering from Wahn. What is Wahn? It is the love of this world and a hatred for death, just as the Prophet explained. Abu Hasnayn presents a powerful lecture on this topic which most people refuse to talk about, although it is one of life's greatest certainties. He explains the death of a believer and that of a disbeliever. The students he addresses are reminded that every soul shall taste death!

21st Century Pharaohs

What does the greatest Book in history narrate about the nations of the past? What did these nations do to bring about their destruction? Abu Hasnayn discusses the stories of Prophet Hud, Lut, and Shu'aib. He emphasises the importance of reflecting and taking heed from these stories. He highlights the fact that for a nation to excel they must know the past so as to avoid making the same mistakes. So what will happen to those who transgress upon the land? Do they ask for the punishment of Allah to come upon them?

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