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Practical Hajj Guide

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Description of ‘Umrah 1 - Tawaaf

The Tawaaf (Circumambulation)

Upon entering the Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haraam),head directly to the ka'bah intending to begin the tawaaf from the black stone. It is sunnah at the time of the tawaaf of arrival (qudoom) to do two things (for men):

1.al-Idhtibaa’: This means to uncover the right shoulder.

2.ar-Ramal: This means to walk at a fast pace, taking short steps during the first three rounds of the tawaaf.

Start at the black stone by approaching it and placing your hands on it and kissing it if possible (otherwise, simply face it and point towards it) and say “bismillaahi wa Allaahu Akbar”. Then with the k’abah to your left, circle it seven times making sure you walk around the outside of “hijr Ismaaeel” (you will notice at the second and third corner that there is a short wall in a semi-circular shape). There is no specific du’aa/supplication to be recited in each round. Rather simply turn to Allaah as you please and request for the good of this world and the next. Every time you pass by the black stone touch and kiss it if possible. If that is not possible, then touch it with your hand(s) and kiss the hand(s) or a cane (if you are using one). If none of that is possible, then simply indicate towards it with your hand while saying the takbir (as above) and do not kiss your hand. These are the different manners of touching the black stone as found in the sunnah. As for the “Yemeni corner” (the corner before reaching the black stone), then it is prescribed to touch it only and one does not say the takbir while doing so. If unable to touch it, simply walk by without indicating (pointing) towards it. The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) only touched the black stone and the Yemeni corner (none of the others). Once the seven rounds have been completed, the tawaaf is done. Should you doubt as to how many rounds you did, build upon certainty (i.e. the lower number). Note: After the seventh round, do not kiss the black stone (yet).

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